Layer Writing

The contents of your layers (the text and HTML) can be re-written like a variable by using a trick. It's well known that Internet Explorer has the ability to change what's inside a DIV tag, but you can do a similar thing in Netscape - and that's to use document.write's to re-write the entire layer.

Internet Explorer 4.0:

In Explorer, you can access the HTML inside a DIV tag (or any other tag for that matter) by writing:

document.all.divID.innerHTML = "your new text"

Where divID is the ID of the DIV tag you want to change. You can also write it another way which I prefer more:

document.all["divID"].innerHTML = "your new text"

This way it evaluates "divID" as a string which will be more useful for making it cross-browser capable.

Netscape Navigator 4.0:

Since each layer is essentially it's own document, it has most of the capabilities that the main document does. Importantly for this lesson you can re-write what's in that document.

Now to normally re-write a document, you'd use the document.write() command for the text, and the document.close() command to signal that the writing process has finished:
document.write("my text here")

For a CSS layer, you can use the Netscape Layers() array before using document.write() and document.close():

document.layers["divID"].document.write("my text here")

Putting Them Together

The syntax differences between IE and Netscape lend themselves very nicely to being included in one generic function that can do both at the same time:

function layerWrite(id,nestref,text) {
	if (ns4) {
		var lyr = (nestref)? eval('document.'+nestref+'.document.'+id+'.document') : document.layers[id].document
	else if (ie4) document.all[id].innerHTML = text

Using this function all you have to do is tell it what layer to change, and what text to change it too:

layerWrite("mylayer",null,"my text here")

View writing1-function.html for a layer-writing example

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copyright 1998 Dan Steinman